Thursday, April 21, 2005
Man, im tired.
Owen 12:38 PM
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Monday, March 28, 2005
Updates and dates
Things have taken an interesting turn. Not for the better or worse, just interesting. Well, things did take a considerable turn for the worse on Saturday night/Sunday morning when I drank a liquid that contained beer, lemonade and Everclear and proceeded to get trashed out of my skull. I paid for the ride in full, puking up a solid mass of noodles at 5 am Sunday morning after tossing and turning all night long. The good news is that there was this cool girl who I kinda dug that gave me a ride home. I'm really indebted to her, because I doubt that I would have found my way back in the condition I was in.
Classes are going well so far, I really like my English 385 teacher. She is wild, and the books we are going to be reading seem really interesting. I may or may not be getting an internship with the Portland Beavers. The job sounds fun, but it's time consuming for sure and it doesn't pay anything. Even the fucking Vanguard pays some money, so I'm a little sketched out. We'll see, but I am not holding my breath. I am trying to do well in school and actually learn something, not just float on through. I've already dropped the WR 312 fiction class because writing fiction is too emotionally draining for me to take on right now. It's all about choices, taking advantage of moments. The rookie will seem a savior, if he can get home.
Classes are going well so far, I really like my English 385 teacher. She is wild, and the books we are going to be reading seem really interesting. I may or may not be getting an internship with the Portland Beavers. The job sounds fun, but it's time consuming for sure and it doesn't pay anything. Even the fucking Vanguard pays some money, so I'm a little sketched out. We'll see, but I am not holding my breath. I am trying to do well in school and actually learn something, not just float on through. I've already dropped the WR 312 fiction class because writing fiction is too emotionally draining for me to take on right now. It's all about choices, taking advantage of moments. The rookie will seem a savior, if he can get home.
Owen 11:59 PM
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Back from the abyss
So its been how long without steady internet or even my own computer? Weeks man. Weeks. Spring break is in "full swing", whatever that means, most likely just a pot cloud and the last sweet drop of jamaican rum before passing out completely. Grades came back yesterday and I have to say I am pleased. Two A's and a B+, not a bad haul all things considered. Not bad at all.
I am seriously considering purchasing a laptop, but I am not sure what I want to get. Ben got a sweet deal on a Compaq from Office Depot, but the deal is over and I'm not ready to buy yet anyways. For now I use the Linux computer and suffer through.
I am seriously considering purchasing a laptop, but I am not sure what I want to get. Ben got a sweet deal on a Compaq from Office Depot, but the deal is over and I'm not ready to buy yet anyways. For now I use the Linux computer and suffer through.
Owen 11:17 PM
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Tuesday, March 01, 2005
It was a your face!
I've been stalling, waiting till after 12 to post so I won't feel guilty if I don't write anything for tomorrow because I can say, hey, look, I did already, even if it was at one in the morning. Well now who's rambling? So interesting thing happened to me today, in between bitching at Heather about well I am not so sure what and coming home and eating dinner (both of these events were very entertaining). Oh the interesting thing, yeah okay. So I see Robin today, and it's like, we have been trying to hang out for months it seems like, okay maybe not that long but lets see...okay after a quick look (props to Mozilla Thunderbird man) it seems like it really has been months. Thats great. Anyways saw her today, she came down to the Vanguard office and talked to Dylan about getting a job writing, which she has been harping about for, well, two months. She looked quite nice and I gotta say I'm intrigued...
Owen 12:39 AM
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Monday, February 28, 2005
All Quiet on the Western Front
Things I've done lately:
Jammed with Robby, put off several papers, written some crappy articles for the Vanguard, forgotten to grab my paycheck, wasted most of my nights and slept away my days. I'm a walking hazard, I'm not sure when things are going to get easier. I am okay with this. Yeah buddy...
Jammed with Robby, put off several papers, written some crappy articles for the Vanguard, forgotten to grab my paycheck, wasted most of my nights and slept away my days. I'm a walking hazard, I'm not sure when things are going to get easier. I am okay with this. Yeah buddy...
Owen 11:31 PM
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Friday, February 25, 2005
Busy Busy
So this weekend will be busy for me. Satuday is tied up with several projects for the Vanguard, foremost the final women's home game of the season and also a soccer tourney. I'm rather unexcited but what can you do? After that's all done I'll be headed home to jam with Rob and see some old friends, and then its homework on Sunday and work on the scholarship application. After all that's over with on Tuesday we have to go sign our new lease to our apartment.
So the apartment, right. Its really quite big, with a seperated bathroom that keeps the shower and the sink area in two little rooms, each with doors. It should be really convenient, especially since we have three people living here. The kitchen is nice too, its bigger than what we have now and the fridge is full sized, which will be a relief since we always seem to be overstocked.
Of course chief among the improvements is the regaining of our living room and having my own bedroom, which will be a sharp relief, if only so I have space to put all my shit.
So the apartment, right. Its really quite big, with a seperated bathroom that keeps the shower and the sink area in two little rooms, each with doors. It should be really convenient, especially since we have three people living here. The kitchen is nice too, its bigger than what we have now and the fridge is full sized, which will be a relief since we always seem to be overstocked.
Of course chief among the improvements is the regaining of our living room and having my own bedroom, which will be a sharp relief, if only so I have space to put all my shit.
Owen 1:02 PM
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Have a beer on me
I had a long but productive day, where I was able to get the interviews I needed and write an article for the paper (before deadline, wow!), so I am rewarding myself with a nice cold beer. I am extremely tired though, and I think I'm going to pass out early tonight. Much more tomorrow, when I have some brain cells.
Owen 9:15 PM
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A Temporary Affliction
It was really weird today. I got back home from my basketball PE class and ate some lunch. I felt fine, but after an hour or so I got really sick, and I had a terrible headache that I couldn't get rid of. I ended up taking like a 2 hour nap and that seemed to make it a little better (I managed to catch the last half of my WWII class before skipping out the last 20 minutes) but it is still here, in the back of my mind. It's like coming off of a high, it feels like an odd droning behind my eyes and my thoughts feel hazy. I had some Vanilla Coke (quick plug for the best soft drink invention ever, well maybe back in the days when they were actually putting crack in it was better) and a couple more Advil and I can kinda think now.
All of this commotion caused me to miss my interview with the women's team. Well, lets start at the beginning. Ian sent me a letter to the editor last night that had some girl bitching about one of my articles. She called me "EXTREMELY unprofessional" and so forth and I was kind of pissed but it was really quite funny. The article in question, which you can see at (Business as Usual 1.28.05), wasn't that inflammatory at all so I don't know what that girl had a problem with. You can't please everyone, it seems. So I went down to the VG office this afternoon, making the trek to the sub-basement despite my depleted energy and mental incapacity to talk with Jud about the article. The old man was quite helpful, but by the time we had finished talking it was 3:30, and I was now running a little late for the end of practice.
When I emerged from the Smith Building I saw Ashley Brown and Carly Fromdahl in streetclothes, which meant that I had missed practice (the coach often ends practice at least half an hour early), so I had to reschedule that for Wednesday afternoon. I really need to get a good interview and some good quotes because I haven't written a very good article for the Vanguard in a week or so and I need to continue to put in good work, for a number of reasons, not least of which is my own personal satisfaction. Aside from all this it was actually a low-key day, and I got my WWII paper back and received a 48/50 on it so I was pleased to get another A in that class. It is the only class where I feel completely confident of an A for my final grade. With only three weeks left of classes, it is time to get collected and finish strong. I remain confident and optimistic, and whatever happens the next three weeks are going to be crazy, with moving and a men's basketball tourney to fit in to all of this somewhere. See you on the other side.
All of this commotion caused me to miss my interview with the women's team. Well, lets start at the beginning. Ian sent me a letter to the editor last night that had some girl bitching about one of my articles. She called me "EXTREMELY unprofessional" and so forth and I was kind of pissed but it was really quite funny. The article in question, which you can see at (Business as Usual 1.28.05), wasn't that inflammatory at all so I don't know what that girl had a problem with. You can't please everyone, it seems. So I went down to the VG office this afternoon, making the trek to the sub-basement despite my depleted energy and mental incapacity to talk with Jud about the article. The old man was quite helpful, but by the time we had finished talking it was 3:30, and I was now running a little late for the end of practice.
When I emerged from the Smith Building I saw Ashley Brown and Carly Fromdahl in streetclothes, which meant that I had missed practice (the coach often ends practice at least half an hour early), so I had to reschedule that for Wednesday afternoon. I really need to get a good interview and some good quotes because I haven't written a very good article for the Vanguard in a week or so and I need to continue to put in good work, for a number of reasons, not least of which is my own personal satisfaction. Aside from all this it was actually a low-key day, and I got my WWII paper back and received a 48/50 on it so I was pleased to get another A in that class. It is the only class where I feel completely confident of an A for my final grade. With only three weeks left of classes, it is time to get collected and finish strong. I remain confident and optimistic, and whatever happens the next three weeks are going to be crazy, with moving and a men's basketball tourney to fit in to all of this somewhere. See you on the other side.
Owen 12:05 AM
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