Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Noses to the Grindstone
Well, I'm back and invariably a totally different person than my last posting in October. Alot went on, too much to tell and actually of little relavance to where I'm at now. So lets start over. Today I have a bunch of stuff to do before I get to take a break. I have to go and watch the women's basketball practice for an article on Friday, but I need to get that written today if possible. I have my WWII class tonight and that should be interesting, as we are watching holocaust videos this time. I have a suspicious feeling that I am just one or two steps behind where I should be, and I've felt like this ever since I got sick a few weeks ago. I hope if I can just catch up the feeling will go away, but somehow I think the real cure is the end of the quarter and a relaxing spring break. Oh, and we're finally moving into a two bedroom apartment, starting on the first of March. Exciting stuff...more later I think.
Owen 1:21 PM